Carols and Cocoa

Sunday, December 31 at 2 p.m.

Come to St. James Cathedral for a good, old-fashioned Christmas Carol sing-along. Sing your favorite Christmas Carols with a cup of hot cocoa and even warmer fellowship! This family-friendly event is open to people of all ages. Music will be led by Canon Director of Music Stephen Buzard and special guest organist Andrew Schaeffer, Director of Music at Luther Memorial Church in Madison, Wisconsin.

What are your favorite Christmas hymns?

If you have a hymn you'd like to sing, please submit your request here. Please give us a few words to include about why you chose that hymn.

Free admission with donations solicited for refreshments and hymn requests. Proceeds will benefit the Cathedral organ project.

GO HERE to request a hymn.

GO HERE to make a donation.

Learn more about the Organ Project.

Map & Parking

We are conveniently located 2 blocks from the red line. Exit at Chicago Avenue, then south two blocks to the corner of Wabash and Huron.

We are one block west from the 3, 10, 26, 146, 147, and 151 bus lines on Michigan Avenue. Exit at Superior or Erie if southbound, exit at Huron if northbound.

Reduced-rate parking for the All Souls Requiem is available at ROW Parking Garage, 50 E Ohio Street, for $15 up to 18 hours. Parking is also available at Ohio Ontario Self Park, 33 W Ontario, for $11 up to 18 hours daily. Get a reduced-rate parking voucher from the St. James Commons reception desk.
