Health & Safety Protocols for Public Worship

July 14, 2020

We are glad to welcome you back to St. James Cathedral for in-person worship. We are taking every precaution for your safety. The building has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, seating is distanced, facial masks are required, and hand sanitizer is available in abundance. For the safety of everyone, we ask you to observe these protocols:

  • You must make a reservation to attend.
  • Do not attend if you have flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms or are exposed to someone with COVID-19.
  • You must arrive by 10:55 a.m. to be guaranteed your reserved seat(s). Walk-ins will be seated in remaining seats after the opening procession.
  • When you enter, check your family in at the Welcome Table.
  • Always wear your face mask except when partaking of the bread at communion.
  • Maintain six feet from others except members of your family.
  • Use hand sanitizer when you enter the cathedral. Sanitizer is also available before receiving communion.
  • Follow the directional arrows for each aisle.
  • Feel free to speak the responses while masked but during this phase of re-entry we will refrain from singing.
  • At the exchange of the Peace, wave, bow, or offer some other contactless gesture while maintaining a safe distance.
  • The collection plate will not be passed in the pews or brought to the altar. Place contributions in the offering box found at the back of the Cathedral by the baptismal font.
  • Follow the directions of the usher for taking communion, one side at a time.
  • At the conclusion of the service, exit the cathedral by the side aisles, through the Wabash doors.
  • Use restrooms down the narthex stairs (Wabash entrance) or in the Welcome Center.
  • At the conclusion of the service, use the side aisles to exit the cathedral through the Wabash doors.
Author: Robert Black